10 Ways to Make AKC23 Count

You just attended a conference, your brain is spilling over with ideas and information that you collected. It isn’t unusual to feel a mixture of euphoria and overwhelm. You just sat in front of an amazing fire-house of great energy, ideas and information, you don’t want it to run down the drain. How do you steward all that goodness? Here is a process for you to work that through:

  1. Sit down with that handbook and write down one thought or idea from each session or break-out that stuck. This is a brain-dump…get it all out there.

  2. For each of those ideas or thoughts, consider an action item that would fit with that thought or idea. This will take some time to pause and reflect on what you learned as well as your current situation.

  3. Hold ALL those ideas and thoughts loosely before the Lord.

  4. As you prayerfully consider each action item, spend time asking the Lord for wisdom to know the WHEN of each item. Timing really is everything! You can’t possibly do ALL the things ALL at once, even though you’d like to. Practice that pause, sit back, and wait on the discernment that will come. James 1:5 encourages to ask, God will give out wisdom generously to ALL.

  5. If there is something that seems like NOW, ask the Lord for MORE wisdom to know the HOW (He has a lot of great ideas) and the WHO. Remember it may not be your job to carry out that idea, it may take a team or somebody else entirely - and that’s okay.

  6. If you’re part of a team, take these steps together. ACTIVELY WAIT on the Lord to show you what is best for the season you’re in personally and as a community. Spend time together listening and discerning the heart of the Father for your ministry. 

  7. When you feel like you know God’s heart for the project, idea, curriculum, training, etc., move forward boldly. Involve the leadership of your ministry, organization, or church in the process. Open communication and transparency will lead to a more fruitful result and less frustration.

  8. Hold on to all those other thoughts and ideas in a folder or place that you can access to continue to pray and discern. Read those over from time to time, you never know when the timing is right for another idea to POP!

  9. Don’t be afraid to ask others how they did something. Learn from others and share what you’ve learned.

  10. Foster community. Share the love and the ideas. Your idea may trigger something in someone else’s ministry and vice versa. Processing those thoughts out loud may be just the ticket to create something truly amazing!

Our job is to gather all kinds of resources for you to access. Your job is to put into practice the things you’ve learned. Now, get out there and be AWESOME.

Want to keep on putting fuel in your tank? Join us for ReFuel and MEGA ReFuel!


New Growth


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